It is only possible to tell one side of a story because the view is restricted to that facing the camera and it is therefore not possible to truly share a moment as if we were there. In this way, the ‘blinkered’ field-of-view of conventional photography creates a subjective image.

In order to demonstrate this, Tom has climbed up some scaffolding in the middle of the Roman city of Bath, giving him a rooftop panorama of the neighbouring buildings. The image above clearly shows Tom standing up high, taking in the view from this incredible vantage point.

Equipped with an ordinary camera it is only really possible to capture a fragmented snap-shot of the whole panoramic scene - take a look at the photo on the right, which uses a conventional 35mm camera with a portrait aspect. It is self evident in this image that Tom cannot share his full view.

Of course, we could take a series of photos around the horizon to try and make up a panorama, but this technique is a long way from capturing the ‘moment’, because of the time lapse between each shot, instead it creates a panoramic study which looses the essence of a photograph.

When the world in your horizon is too big for an ordinary camera, you need an all-seeing camera which can image an entire bubble - as if freezing time in every direction around you.
Copyright © 1997-2005 Tom Lawton. Unauthorized duplication is not cricket.
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